Monday, June 25, 2007

Goodbye Colorado!

A week from today I will most likely no longer be a resident of Colorado (though I'm not sure if legally I ever was.) Anyway, I say 'most likely' because we still havent finished dealing with all of the house 'stuff'. I won't go into it here but I will say that I think it'll all work out. We should be closing next week and both hubby and I will travel back for that event. He'll help me set up the house and then he'll zoom back over to Denver for another month or so. It's a huge life change but all in all it doesnt feel so huge just yet.
We're in limbo once again and while it is weird it's not uncomfortable. We are staying with some dear friends of ours and their very fun, very active 4 children. Surprisingly, staying with them has reminded me both how difficult parenting can be and that even in the midst of chaos, I still want to have a gaggle...(a flock? a school?...a full quiver?). Anyway, I will miss them and be sad to go.
All of this excitement also comes at a time of celebration. Thursday is hubby's 30th bday (wow) and 7/7/07 (arent' we lucky?) is our first anniversary. Can you believe that? I can't. We kind of celebrated both a little this weekend with a day of fun and togetherness. We went white water rafting which was a blast and something even my fearful self would love to do again one day. We went up to Mt. Evans lake and watched the ducks and strolled around enjoying the breathtaking view. We went to the Aquarium down town and then we caught a movie and dinner. All in all it was a really great day and I'm glad we got to spend it together.
I will try to write more in the days to come...but thats sometimes a promise I can't keep.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Moving Out Sale....

Other names i could have chosen for my 'garage sale':

The "I'm sorry we don't have any old records, stero equipment or tools for sale" sale.

The "They're tearing our house down and this stuff is going to go with it" sale.

The "Watch it rain all over our stuff " sale.

or my personal favorite...

"Nobody is buying anything so I'll take a minute to blog about it " sale.

We'll , T minus 48 hours until we move out of this place. I'm trying to sell some of the furniture and appliances that we arent taking with us to make a few bucks so that I can buy a couch for our new home.

It's thundering pretty hard out there and I think it's going to rain on my garage sale. On top of that I called the moving truck and asked them not to come today because there is street cleaning on our side of the road on the first Tuesday of every month between May and October ( took us a while to figure that one out) and what did I do? I parked the friggin car on that side of the road. Yeah. I got a ticket anyway.

Ok....I'm gone for now...

Monday, June 04, 2007

What I've been doing...

This is where I was last week...

and this is where I was yesterday...

What have you been up to?

more to come...