Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Who wouldn't love those dimples?

I suspect that there will be yet another post today. I'm in a writing mood I suppose. Maybe it's because there is no law paper to write today and thats usually what I'm doing on Tuesday afternoons at this time....waiting until the last minute.

So I was just looking at the picture I put in the last post and I noticed two things;

1.) the only two pictures that I've posted of us have been kissing pictures (does this give me away?)
2.) sometimes I forget (and by forget I mean temporarily am unaware) of how much I love this man.
..........seriously, I don't think I talk about this alot out loud mostly because of my own pride and the remnants of that stubbornly independant woman who still lives in me somewhere, (Ok who am I kidding she's not so little and she daily makes her presence well known) but I really really love him, alot. Really.

The funny thing is he drives me crazy. He's not like me at all in alot of ways and he doesn't want the things I want sometimes. He's impractical when I want stability and he's stubbornly rational when I want to fly by the seat of my pants. He listens, but he won't take orders. He's attentive but he's not the best at paying attention to detail. In fact there was actually one point in our conversation last night when I actually contemplated poking my own eyeballs out of my head because he was driving me to near insanity.

Still...he's one of the kindest men I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. I'm pretty sure there have been moments where I've merited a good lashing and he's never so much as raised his voice to me. He is utterly and completely devoted to being on his face before God because he is totally aware of his brokeness. Come to think of it, he's pretty aware of my brokeness too and he loves me not in spite of it but right smack in the middle of it. He knows my heart and my mind and wants nothing more than to know what I would look like as a Saint. So I'm finding, the more present I know the Holy Spirit to be with us, the more I love him in our moments of disagreement. And it doesnt hurt that he makes me laugh....


  1. awwwwwwww!
    I've said it before and I'll say it again: he's a keeper.

    Maybe after your wedding, you can make it your apostolate to get the rest of us hitched? (Wait, what am I talking about, you already do that)

  2. amy, stop!!

    precious overload...........

  3. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.
