Thursday, September 14, 2006

My 'View'

So I'm up this morning watching 'The View'. It just started 10 minutes ago, 2 commercial breaks and I can already feel my blood boiling. I know, I know, I'm asking for it. What am i doing watching this show anyway? Because I'm both not of this world and consumed by it, a tension, I think which causes suffering. Something i could use from time to time. I know too much comfort and convenience. But i digress. Ever since Rosie has become the new host I have this weird fascination with the show. Granted, I've only watched it 3 times in the two weeks that she's been on but still, it's like a car wreck. I can't look away but it upsets me so much.
I have nothing against Rosie per se. She seems like a really fun and genuine human being. When she had her old show in fact people used to tell me that I reminded them of her, my humor I guess. I think she's a pretty lady and she seems to be kind and to love her children very much. I sort of hurt for her because I know she yearns to flourish as a woman and she keeps hitting a wall. Her desires to flourish come from a good place, pure and very human but the outlet is confused. And then what do you do with something like this? Say that it isn't there? It's too late for that, it's beginning to soak in and now, worse than the whole concept being 'surprising' or's just normal. I think thats what upset me the a most the first day I saw her on the show. Her homosexuality and relationship with another woman weren't spoken of as an 'issue' or something that needed to be hashed out but just as her life, which it is. As Meredith would have spoken about her husband and children, doing that thing that a host does, inputting endearing little life moments into the opening monologue, Rosie spoke of her 'life partner' and her children. And they made it look like nobody flinched, and it made me afraid.
Afraid sounds like a strong word for something that seems harmless like a relationship of love. Confused love maybe, but love no doubt. But afraid is exactly what I am precisely BECAUSE it seems harmless. We think we live in a free country but the tanks and bombs that keep us opressed are worse than those across the ocean, they are silent and come in the form of tolerance. I realize that if you are some random person who has stumbled upon my blog that i am coming across as a close minded right-winger a domestic radical if you will. The thing is those people are as messed up as the other side, in some ways more so but thats a totally different post. What I am is someone who wants everyone to stand in the tension of "we love love love people" people who struggle with homosexuality are people with the same unimaginable dignity as anybody else. The Catechism in fact says that these people have an opportunity to attain holiness that we don't necessarily have precisely because of the cross they are asked to carry. The tension lies in the fact that we must say, we love you AND we know you are wrong. We want you to be happy, holy, healthy and the most fully human that you can possibly be AND this outlet of an active homosexual relationship is disordered. Not because I said so, or because the Church has deemed it so but because there is a truth to being human, there are many truths and they are imbedded in our bodies and our history and our biology and our souls and same sex -sexual relationships are not in harmony with our humanity.
So why does it seem so harmless? Because thats the way that harmful disordered realities disguise themselves. Sin and evil is not the obvious opposite of good, most times it looks alot like what is good and true. Why else would it be attractive and confusing and seem so normal. It comes in the disguise of wholeness and twists itself just enough to be broken.
Without words or explanation we could look at our bodies and see how they fit, see how they work (in the norm)...assymetrical reciprocity.....big words for giving and taking differently. There is an order to things within the similarity. Man and women both give and take in a different order. Our bodily organs are not what makes us man or woman, they are a reflection and a participation of that. The difference brings about fruitfulness and 'sameness' in this case, does not.

and now they are amazed and shocked at a guest because she has 3 children and one on the way. I don't have the energy yet to disgust the fear of children......I haven't had my coffee yet.

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