Thursday, March 23, 2006

Lost and Found

March 23, 2006

Sometimes I'm not sure if things around me are truly showing some sign of hope in that they signify the truth of a theological anthropology or if I'll just never be normal again after studying here. I suspect the latter though I'm willing to be proven wrong.

Lately I've found myself with a new obsession; the television series Lost. In an effort to motivate myself to have long workouts at the gym I began downloading episodes of the first season onto my ipod so that I could watch them as I trudged along on the treadmill. Now 3 weeks later I find myself completely wrapped up in the lives of these fictional characters and nearing the end of season one. Now that I"m done with my comprehensive exams (which I passed by the way!) and having finished my midterm paper today I have a little more time to 'waste' doing trivial things like become obsessed with the passengers of Oceanic Air Flight 815.

I don't know what it is about the show that has me so hooked. It could very well just be that it is well made and I'm a sucker for a good story. I am noticing however, that the story lines and the issues the characters deal with from episode to episode have a novelty to them. I keep noticing very deep themes that seem to almost hint at the true the good and the beautiful. Granted, the show also shows that humans will be humans (in the violent sense) with or without civilization but I suppose they had to get the 'normal' people hooked somehow. Personally, I'm enthralled by the fact that there is concern, meditation and growth through issues such as 'what does it mean to have killed someone? How to work through the very toughest issues in relationships? How do we respect bodies? How do we form a community? Or maybe I just think that Charlie is cute. (Unlike Happy Catholic who thinks he's annoying) Whatever the case may be....people are so interesting no?

p.s. If you watch the show, one faithful reader, don't tell me whats happening in the current episode. I'm not there yet!


  1. congrats on passing your comps! I'm already dreading mine and they're 4 years down the road!

  2. Did someone KILL someone?!?!?! shhhhhhh I'm only on episode 2, and that only if I can find it on your computer.
